Our Western Nile Survivor "Wild West"


Writing to let everyone know that we have experienced the dreaded Western Nile first hand: the Iowa state vet confirmed it this afternoon {9-13-02}.
We had vacinated our mare with the first dose. It was 16 days after that she showed the symptoms.
This is what we experienced with the symptoms of Western Nile.
"Our mare walked funny. Best to describe it was like when you put shipping boots on a horse for the first time and they pick their feet up real high, well she did that but not as high. She did not know where to place her feet. She had muscle tremors like worms crawling under her skin. Especially her face. She stretched up her head and yawned alot. She would stumble forward on her fetlocks when she tried to walk. When she urinated she looked like she was doing the hula. She had a real wide stance to her front legs and held her tail to the side. Fever is supposed to be elevated but we could not get her temp because every time we would go to move her tail out of the way she would kick like crazy. I guess the spinal cord must have something to do with it. She would always eat and drink, but real slow.

There is no cure but you need to be able to give them the best supportive care you can.
We, with the advice of three vets, gave her 10cc of banamine morning and night. They recommened that we do it orally as this virus affects the tongue and face with its swelling. By giving the banamine orally it relieves the swelling and pain faster because the banamine is going directly into the tissue in that area.
Also on the day that looked like she was going down we started her on dexamethasone. Dexamethasone is an anti-inflammatory. She received 20cc injected in two different spots {we used the neck because she was real sensitive in her hips} for two days. Then downed the dose to 15cc day, to 10cc a day, to 5cc a day the stop the dexamethasone. She is now getting 10cc banamine a day. We are on our last shot of dex tonight {9-13-02}.
Our mare just looked down and slow, not herself when we first spotted her. We started the treatment right away. She is doing real well at the present.
If any of you have any questions please feel free to call or email. 515-826-3646 or targa@netins.net
Good Luck.


As of today {9-21-02} we have had two more horses with the symptoms. Treated them both the same way. With the exception that the vet is now saying that you can also give the dex orally.
Our first mare Wild West is fully recuperated. The other two are both heading in the same direction.
One was a two year old filly and the other a 3 1/2 month old foal.Neither of these had a vacination. As of today 9/26/02 the two year old and the foal are both doing fine. Finally turned them back out. Cool Blue and CSI are also Western Nile survivors. Yeah!!
Can't stress enough to everyone to keep a close eye on your horses. When in doubt check it out, it could save their life.
Again Good Luck to everyone.
Phil & Peggy Phipps

Our prayers are with everyone!